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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

First "gay sweater" debuts at Toronto Fashion Week

gay sweater torontoAre you still referring to things you don't like as "gay"? (Have you not yet been slapped upside the head or sassed in public by Wanda Sykes over it?) In that case, prepare to be shamed into submission by a weird, hairy-looking sweater.

The Gay Sweater, is, as its creators put it, "the only thing that's okay to call 'so gay'" - because it's literally been knitted with the hair of over 100 LGBTQ people. The sweater, a project by the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, was crafted by two Toronto-based knitters (who describe it as "unbelievably itchy").

The garment made its big debut last night at World MasterCard Fashion Week, where some people not familiar with its noble origins probably gave it the side-eye. After that, it'll be used as a teaching tool in the group's outreach efforts to schools. To learn more about the sweater's origins, watch the mini-doc below.

by Natalia Manzocco via blogTO

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