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Toronto Fun Parties

Monday, December 12, 2016

Toronto Blue Jay spends birthday giving away free Tim Hortons

It was a pretty miserable weekend in Toronto, well, weather-wise at least. But one Toronto Blue Jay decided to do something warm on Sunday and spent his birthday spreading joy on our city streets.

In an extremely Canadian move, Dalton Pompey, the Jays' centre fielder, handed out Tim Hortons gift cards downtown yesterday. He was inspired to #givehisday by Toronto-based celebrity DJ Matthew Romeo who also recently gave out Tim Hortons in the city.

"So today's my 24th birthday and unlike any other birthday I decided to do something a little different. Instead of spending a ton of money having a huge birthday party at a restaurant or bar. I decided to take some of that money, buy some Tim cards and walk around Toronto handing them out to the less fortunate," said Pompey on Instagram.

"I have a lot to be thankful for in my life and there's no better way for me to thank God for blessing me than trying to make someone else's day. There's no better gift than the gift of kindness! "

by Amy Grief via blogTO

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