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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Students are asking Ryerson University to cancel classes and events

Following the news that Laurentian University in Sudbury has cancelled all in-person classes in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ryerson University students are asking their school to do the same. 

Students have taken to social media to request that the school move classes online and cancel events before the virus spreads hits campus.

"What are we waiting for? I rather have our school take precaution and prevent the spread of corona virus rather than wait until last minute for the corona virus to spread out in Ryerson!" one student wrote on Twitter

"I speak as a representative on behalf of all and every Ryerson student @RyersonU we feel very uneasy and of DISCOMFORT coming to class in the middle of the dirtiest part of Toronto during a PANDEMIC, can y'all cancel classes pls and ty," another wrote

Some students are also saying cancelling classes would help with the overcrowding problem on the TTC. 

And others are wondering why the entire NBA season has been suspended, yet classes haven't been. 

But despite concerns from students, the university sent a mass email out yesterday indicating that everything will proceed as normal for the foreseeable future.

"Ryerson's public health threats committee and emergency response team (ERT) are monitoring the COVID-19 situation daily. The university continues to receive up-to-date information from Toronto Public Health and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care about disease outbreaks and any potential cases on campus," the email reads.

"The public health threats committee takes its lead from Toronto Public Health and other public health agencies with respect to communicable disease management, which also includes cases of COVID-19," it continues.

"At this time, the university has not received any directives about cancelling events, exams or classes and the university is continuing under normal operating procedures."

by Mira Miller via blogTO

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