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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dog poop police could be coming to Toronto

dog poop torontoIf you don't poop and scoop, you could be in for a nasty surprise. That's because one company is trying to curb dog-waste related problems in Toronto.

As Metro reports, Poo Prints Canada has made its way to the city and is trying to implement its DNA-based poop testing service at local condo buildings.

The American arm of the organization is already working with 1,800 condos south of the border, writes Metro.

To keep dog poop off lawns, sidewalks and other public places, Poo Prints does cheek swabs of all the dogs in a building in order to add each one to a DNA registry. If a property manager finds waste anywhere, he or she can simply send a sample to the Poo Prints lab for testing and later, issue fines of up to $300 to offenders.

And even if this doesn't catch on at condos, according to a city of Toronto stoop and scoop bylaw, "every owner of a dog shall immediately remove excrement left by the dog on property anywhere within the City." Failure to do so can result in a $240 fine.

What do you think? Is this a good way to combat lazy dog owners?

Photo by Phil Marion via the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Amy Grief via blogTO

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