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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Toronto Island ferry

Toronto Island FerryThe Toronto Island ferry is a magical water chariot to local paradise. Picture yourself with wind-whipped hair, tongue lolling out the side of your mouth, dog-like, and panting with excitement about the very near prospect of island living. Yes, people, the anticipation involved with the ferry ride is half the fun, and the rewards on the other side are tremendous, as evidenced by the one million people who ride the ferries to the beaches every year. Destinations include Hanlan's Point, Ward's Island, and Centre Island. In case you're a ferry virgin, we've compiled a foolproof, bona fide ride guide outlining the deets of ferry transport.

Where to board

The ferries to the island depart from three lines at the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal, at 9 Queens Quay W., which is just south of Queens Quay between Yonge and Bay.


Once you get down there, you'll pass through a gate where you buy tickets for the ride over. You only need to pay once, so the return trip is kind of "free." Adults can board the boat to freedom for $7, or pay $90 for a monthly pass. Students and seniors pay $4.50 per trip, and little monsters (under 14) are $3.50.

How long does it take?

The trip to the islands takes between 1.7 km (Ward's Island) and 2 km (Centre Island or Hanlan's). Total ride time is typically 15 minutes.

Ferry schedule

Historically, my island visits have always included a flailing run down to the docks, hoping against hope that I happen to arrive as the one I want is boarding. Later, I learned that there is a handy thing called a ferry "schedule" of departure times. The Centre Island ferry departs dry land between 8 a.m. and 11:15 p.m. during the week, and it runs from roughly the same times on the weekend, picking up passengers every 30 minutes. The ferry to Hanlan's point runs from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. during the week, and from 8 a.m. until 10:45 p.m. on the weekends. And you can get to Ward's Island between 6:35 a.m. and 11:15 p.m. on weekdays, with the same hours on the weekend. Check out the link above for more scheduling info.

Where they goes

Hanlan's Point

If you've got cock rings, beers and nudity on your agenda, Hanlan's is your joint. In case you somehow missed the memo, it's a nude beach. Or rather, "clothing optional." As such, most people looking for a family-friendly spot would avoid this one, but I say, the more your kids are exposed to, the cooler they'll be when they grow up. Yeah. Hanlan's has great energy, and it's a place of total non-judgment. Lots of old gay couples snuggle in the sand, and it's mostly dudes getting naked. But, in a bizarro land role reversal, it's kind of tacky to remain overly clothed here. It feels like cheating. As such, I've gone topless there many a time, and haven't met with much harassment.

Centre Island

If getting naked in public gets you hot around the colla in a bad way, if your friends are prudes, or if you want to ensure your chillun' are exposed to as few penes as possible, you might want to hit up Centre Island instead. The Franklin Children's Garden is a good choice if you've got rugrats in tow, as is Centreville. Centre Island Beach is also a beautiful bet for humans of all ages.

Ward's Island

Ward's island is actually the easternmost tip of Centre Island. It's where most of the island's residents are gathered. As such, it's quieter than the other island beaches. You can lawn bowl here, though, so that's pretty cool. Sort of.

Tips for riding the ferry

  • Don't space out and get on the wrong ferry. Not going to lie, it happened to me, and I wound up a good 6 km away from Hanlan's. Bikeless, I was forced to make the trek on foot. That said, it was gorgeous out, and the boardwalk-style trail stretches along the water front. It was actually a fortunate mistake, and my skinny-ish white legs made it to their debaucherous location in about an hour.

  • Bring a cooler of beer/drinks of choice, but not a too-obvious one. Cops have been known to ticket even the naked folk at Hanlan's for public boozing. Annoying buzzkill to the freedom vibe, yes, but I have to admit it's pretty funny watching them carry around the ticket because they are pocketless.

  • Speaking of water, bring that. There are spots to fill up a bottle on the island, but you don't want to worry about that while lounging on the beach.

  • Be selfie-ready. Nothing makes you look more footloose and fancy-free than the tousled hair brought on by being on the water.

Alternatives to the ferry

  • Canoe your way there. If you're one of those people who like "activities," you can make your island adventure way more effort than it needs to be by renting a canoe. I prefer the celebratory swigging of whiskey from a mason jar while passively lounging on the ferry, but canoes can be rented for a mere $30 per day from Mountain Equipment Co-op.

  • Or, if you're a fan of doing things properly, get a water taxi over. Rides to the island in a speed boat cost a mere $10, and you can slip on the ferry for the ride back. You'll get there faster, and you won't have to wait in a massive line. Cheers to that.

  • Or, you can swim across the eastern gap. Bust out the snorkel and wetsuit and have at 'er. I'm kind of kidding, but whatever floats your non-boat.

More reading

Photo by BruceK

by Sarah Ratchford via blogTO

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