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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Major Rob Ford protest planned for November 13th

Rob Ford resign protest November 2013An anti-Rob Ford rally calling for the Mayor's resignation is planned for 12 p.m. on November 13 at Nathan Phillips Square. Called Save Toronto the protest has gained momentum in the days following revelations about police possession of the alleged crack smoking video (the only "alleged" thing being the crack smoking, rather than the existence of the tape) and Ford's public drunkenness.

Organizers explain their motivations for organizing the protest as follows:

"Toronto is becoming a laughing stock internationally. The mayor has kept some of his election promises, but has a cloud of scrutiny over him with allegations of drugs and alcoholism, which he refuses to directly address and instead offer vague apologies and lies, in turn clouding Toronto's reputation as well... It is time for all Torontonians to stand up and demand better from the people we elected to lead us: our mayor and councillors."

In addition to this general mission statement, the website affiliated with the rally lists off a litany of the mayor's transgressions and controversies. What do you think? Can a public event bolster the confidence of Ford's colleagues on city council of call for his resignation?

For more information, check out the Save Toronto Twitter and Facebook pages.

Photo by Greg Stacey in the blogTO Flickr pool

by Derek Flack via blogTO

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