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Friday, November 8, 2013

This Week In Comedy: Matt Braunger, Eddie Izzard, and Derek Seguin

Eddie IzzardThe comedians making fun of Rob Ford for smoking crack are the same ones using different drugs to muster up the courage to get on stage, and that's all I have to say about that. Follow me as I walk you through This Week In Comedy...

WED NOV 13 - SUN NOV 17 / DEREK SEGUIN / YUK YUK'S / 224 RICHMOND W / 8PM / $11-20

Damn, son, Derek Seguin is the truth! It's not often that you'll find comics whose sketches are on par with their stand-up, but man was it ever tough to figure out which video to feature for Derek! When it comes to his stand-up act, he's so relaxed and casual that you forget you're even watching a performance, and it's that laid-back style that helps his act outs and impressions shine. What can I say? I'm a new fan.

SAT NOV 16 / MATT BRAUNGER / COMEDY BAR / 945 BLOOR W / 8PM & 1030PM / $20

Love Matt Braunger. He's so fun and full of life up there that you forget where you are and become immersed in his performance. But don't let the ease with which he performs fool you — he's got a bachelors in theatre, was on MADtv, and is now on NBC's Up All Night.

One thing that almost brought a tear to my eye when watching the above clip was the great response that Braunger elicited from the crowd. It's not often that an audience greets a comedian with a genuine Heeeeyyy!, especially considering the fact that they are being told throughout the taping when to applaud and when to cheer. You might think I'm reading too much into this, but I think it has a lot to do with the spirit Braunger brings to the stage. Bravo.


Oh, it's the inventor dude from the Ocean's movies! He's much more than that, friends. John Cleese referred to him as the "Lost Python." He's won a Primetime Emmy, won the Yahoo! People's Choice Award back in 2000 when people still used Yahoo!, and even ran 43 marathons in 51 freakin' days. The comedian in me is jealous that so much talent in housed in one person.

About the Author: This is Michael Jagdeo, and I refuse to write about myself in the third-person. My blog, Diary of a Stand-up Comedian, walks you through the up's and down's (they're mostly down's, really) in my quest to become a killer comic in Toronto.

by Michael Jagdeo via blogTO

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