Toronto events!!!

Toronto Fun Parties

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Toronto might get a Festival of Colours this summer

Festival colour torontoToronto might have a very colourful weekend in store late this summer if the latest in a long list of events posted to Facebook is to be trusted. Billed as Canada's first Festival of Colour, the proposed gathering is based on the Hindu festival of colours, Holi. While the city has witnessed events like "Color Me Rad" in the past, this doesn't sound like a test of one's fitness.

Will it happen? This event has a slightly more legitimate feel based on its clearly laid out focus and the fact that a location and date have already been specified (Woodbine Beach, August 30). That said, the familiar hallmarks of other dubious events are also present here in the form of a huge "attending" number and the fact that details are promised to be revealed shortly.

I'll put the odds of this one happening at 50/50, but it would sure make for a fantastic photo op if it does go down.

by Derek Flack via blogTO

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