Tuesday, April 28, 2015

TTC suffers short turn in ridership pride

ttc customer satisfactionA new report by the TTC reveals that the fleet of new streetcars, still gleaming like futuristic spaceships on the tracks that criss-cross our city of despair, are no longer impressing its ridership. Yes, we all agree, everything is embarrassing.

The new pride rating (a category unto itself) from the Commission's customer satisfaction survey is 66%, a considerable drop from from 73% in 2014 - now every third person who squishes in beside you is ashamed of Toronto's public transit system, instead of one in four.

The overall customer satisfaction rating, however, is unchanged - still clocking in at 72%, making for a quintessentially Toronto conundrum: while many of us are fine with our transit system, we'd rather not show enthusiasm for it.

The TTC report itself is something they can take pride in: recommendations include reducing crowding and delays on the subway. Oh, and clearer announcements about delays, because we've accepted that they are our eternal soundtrack of misery.

Photo by George Socka in the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Aubrey Jax via blogTO

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