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Friday, April 10, 2015

Creepy new Instagram documents women on TTC

TTC instagram creepIt's creepy Friday here at blogTO, meaning we're drinking bitter black coffee while bringing you the worst of the worst. Any sprawling metropolis or tiny village has its creeps of both obscure and legendary proportions, and a new source of discomfort is making a name for himself on Instagram, and in the Toronto Star.

TTC Women is an Instagram account started just a couple of weeks ago by Anis Litim, inspired by Humans of New York and Hot Dudes Reading. Except the concept here is just, you know. Women Litim deems babes, often without their knowing about it.

The account has just over three hundred of what I'd guess splits between voyeur followers / hate followers / kind-of-in-both-camps followers.

Online, Torontonians have already pointed out to Litim that his concept is inapprops, and he told the Star he'll ask for consent from each woman before uploading from now on - though thus far, he has not removed the pictures clearly taken without approval.

Would you consent to be creeped by TTC Women? Is there an account like this but, like, for dogs? Let us know in the comments.

by Aubrey Jax via blogTO

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