Toronto events!!!

Toronto Fun Parties

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to Establish Yourself as an Expert in the Legal Profession: PR Tips and Tricks

Begins: 2015-04-30T18:00:00 Ends: 2015-04-30T20:30:00 Where: {'city': u'Toronto', 'journal_activity_id': 352835105, 'country': u'CA', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 1, 13, 5, 32), 'venue': u'ONE Eleven Business Accelerator', 'zoom': u'13', 'longitude': u'-79.38430060000002', 'state': u'ON', 'postal_code': u'M5H 3K6', 'address_1': u'111 Richmond St W', 'address_2': u'5th Floor', 'longaddress': u'111 Richmond St W, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5H 3K6', 'latitude': u'43.6502837', 'is_saved': True, 'organizer': 2174209L, u'id': 10178383, 'user': 30084587L} Organized by: ADR Think Tank

by via Toronto Networking Events

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