Sunday, January 12, 2020

Emergency alert about Pickering Nuclear Generating Station sent by mistake

An Emergency Alert about a situation at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station near Toronto was sent in error to millions of people in Ontario early this morning.

The Province of Ontario Emergency Bulletin warned of an incident at the power generating station that "applies to people within ten (10) kilometres" of the power plant.

The alert cautioned that "there has been NO abnormal release of radioactivity" and that people near the station "DO NOT need to take any protective actions at this time."

The emergency alert, similar to the Amber Alerts that have startled Canadians since they were introduced in 2018, immediately caused confusion and concern, before Ontario Power Generation admitted the alert was sent by mistake.

The Mayor of Pickering, Dave Ryan, has already issued a statement calling for a full investigation why this error occured.

Just after 9 a.m. a second emergency alert was sent confirming that "there is NO active nuclear situation taking place."

Some people took the mistake all in stride and chose to make fun of the mistake.

Others chose to be helpful and remind the public about what to do in case there ever is a nuclear distater some day.

If nothing else, more people in the province now have a greater sense of how far they live from Pickering.

And, remember, there's no need to call 911.

by Staff via blogTO

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