Saturday, March 28, 2020

Donation bins in Toronto are no longer accepting clothes due to COVID-19

With little going on in the city and public health officials urging everyone to stay home anyway, there's never been a better time to organize your closet.

I salute those of you who using this time of mass isolation to give your wardrobes the Marie Kondo treatment — but I must also warn you that you'll probably need to hold on to your bags of stuff for a little while.

In light of the fast-spreading COVID-19 pandemic, which as of Friday morning had killed 18 people in Ontario and 20,834 around the world, clothing donation bins across the City of Toronto and beyond are temporarily shutting down.

donation bins torontoOasis Clothing Bank, which has more than 90 donation bins across the city, has sealed all of its bins in Toronto until further notice to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19.

"This difficult decision is being made with your safety and well-being in mind," reads a notice posted to the sealed up bins.

"We would ask that you do not leave items around the bins. Thank you for your patience and understanding."

Diabetes Canada has similarly suspended all textile collection activities from homes and bins across Canada "to protect the health and safety of our valued donors, staff, partners and communities."

"Please do NOT to drop off items at our donation bins as we are unable to collect them at this time," reads a notice posted to the organization's website.

donation bins toronto

Same goes for the Salvation Army, which has closed all of its donor welcome centres, stores and bins across the country on March 23 until further notice.

"Please set donations aside and bring them to your local donation welcome centre when we can safely reopen," asks the Salvation Army on its website. 

"We continue to support crisis needs of our community and family services operations throughout this temporary closure."

by Lauren O'Neil via blogTO

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