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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ontario just extended emergency orders until the end of the month

All emergency orders in Ontario have been extended until June 30, the provincial government announced today.

Emergency orders were put in place on March 17 under s.7.0.2 (4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to slow the spread of COVID-19 , and they've been extended until the end of this month.

The orders were set to expire on June 19 but now will be in place until at least June 30.

"This extension will be in effect until June 30, 2020 to ensure the government continues to have the necessary tools to safely and gradually reopen the province," reads a statement from the province.

Parts of the province have begun to enter Stage 2 of reopening, while others, including Toronto, remain in Stage 1 as the province continues to assess moving forward with reopening.

Social gatherings of more than 10 people are also allowed in all parts of the province, and everyone in Ontario can now form social circles of close friends and family.

Certain businesses are still prohibited from reopening in Stage 1 regions, such as restaurants and hairdressers.

"While current emergency orders will remain in place until the end of the month, the government will continue to review each one on an ongoing, case-by-case basis to determine when and if they can safely be adjusted or lifted, as part of the province's framework to safely reopen the province," notes the government release.

by Lisa Power via blogTO

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