Thursday, September 25, 2014

How crowded will Toronto be in 2025?

crowded toronto 2015Here's a scary scenario. According to a new ranking from Bloomberg, Toronto's population will increase to 6,682,061 by the year 2025, which represents a generational spike of 59.2 per cent, or 1,098,997 in the span of 14 years (the last census data dates back to 2011). That keeps our population per square mile (it's an American report) at greater density than New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

Now consider our transit infrastructure. The most optimistic projections for the construction of a Yonge Relief Line put it at 15 years from opening, and that's if we can somehow manage a way to get it funded, which is anything but a sure thing given the dithering that's taken place at city hall over transit expansion. If ever there was urgency to agree on a plan -- and an aggressive one at that -- it should be now.

Anyone else a little worried about our mayoral candidates' transit platforms?

Photo by Dan...Mr. Dan in the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Derek Flack via blogTO

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