Toronto Fun Parties

Monday, September 29, 2014

Today in Toronto: David Cronenberg, Children 404, Lykke Li, Somewhere There, Design and Identity

today in TorontoToday in Toronto body horror originator David Cronenberg will discuss his new novel (just in time for Halloween, which lasts a month, thank you) Consumed with Geoff Pevere. Tickets are $32 and include a copy of the book. At the Bloor, Amnesty International will present Children 404 , a doc centered around LGBTQ teenagers living in Vladimir Putin's Russia.

It's also a heavy day for concerts: Lykke Li, EMA, and Erasure are all playing tonight, and transient venue/org Somewhere There will make an early appearance at the Tranzac with HA!Man Rob Clutton & Pete Johnston and HA!Man South Africa & Joke Debaere Belgium. For more events, click on over to our events section.

Have an event you'd like to plug? Submit your own listing to the blogTO Toronto events calendar or contact us directly.

by Aubrey Jax via blogTO

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