Friday, September 26, 2014

Is this the most embarrassing fantasy transit map ever?

Doug Ford Transit mapDoug Ford released his transit platform yesterday, and to the surprise of no one it's exactly the same as his brother's. Well, that's not quite true. Somehow in the rush to rebrand the map, a few brutal errors snuck into this terribly optimistic bit of cartography.

New stations on the horizon for Toronto include "Eglington," Eglington West," and "Done Mills." I am no stranger to the typo (the one in this title still bothers me), but I'll take the risk at hurling rocks from my glass house because the spelling errors aren't even the worst thing here. Far more problematic is the plotting of the map itself. Look, everyone would love all these subways, especially with a huge population spike in the works. But this is Ferris Wheel territory. Toronto needs realistic transit planning that can be funded and built as soon as possible.

May Done Mills exist in the nightmares of copy editors everywhere.

by Derek Flack via blogTO

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