Toronto events!!!

Toronto Fun Parties

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Today in Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press Thirtybash, The 1975, Karaoke Mondays, New Music 101

today in TorontoToday in Toronto English indie rockers The 1975 are at Kool Haus for a second night, and though it's a stiff $40 ticket, chances to see shows in the venue are getting slim. The excitement over the new Stanley Kubrick exhibit at the TIFF Lightbox will have died down, so you can check it out in peace and quiet. Check out our preview here. You can also learn about Reiki for Pets - yeah. For more events, click on over to our events section.

Have an event you'd like to plug? Submit your own listing to the blogTO Toronto events calendar or contact us directly.

Photo of Kool Haus by Alejandro Santiago

by Aubrey Jax via blogTO

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