Monday, September 1, 2014

Red Sauce serves its last sandwich

red sauce torontoRed Sauce, the Italian-American sandwich shop and cocktail bar on Clinton St., has served its last Muffeletta. When owners Scott and Lindsay Selland shut down the critically acclaimed Acadia to try their hand at something more laid back, everything looked great on paper. The name was right, the branding was excellent, and the menu promised Italian-inspired favourites like calzones, veal cutlet sandwiches, and one very creamy Caesar salad. There was even a $5 negroni on tap, surely the best deal on a cocktail in the city.

Yet, for those who went to Red Sauce regularly, it was curiously never altogether that busy. With old school eateries like California Sandwiches and Bitondo's right around the corner, the takeout side of things never really seemed to, well, take off. While the owners have yet to confirm the closure, the for lease sign in the window leaves little doubt as to the fate of the business. As for the exact reasons for shutting down, it's speculation at this point, but the restaurant just never seemed to capture the hearts of diners the way that many of us thought it would.

by Derek Flack via blogTO

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