Thursday, February 27, 2020

White Claw to be available for pre-sale exclusively in Toronto

As Canadians eagerly await the release of popular alcoholic drink White Claw across the country, Toronto fans of the American beverage are especially lucky, as they'll be able to cop it a day early.

To commemmorate White Claw's debut north of the border, the team behind the popular hard seltzer's Canadian rollout are holding a special pre-sale event at the Front and Spadina LCBO on February 29.

Super fans who want a chance to break all the laws and purchase the product before anyone else in Canada will definitely want to make sure to line up well before the store opens its doors at 9 a.m.

Along with exclusive access to the beloved white cans, shoppers will also have the chance to chat with the biggest Canadian White Claw fan of all, who people may remember for getting a tattoo of Baby Yoda drinking a can of the stuff a few months ago.

For the rest of the country, the gluten-free, low-carb, low-calorie and just plain delicious 5 per cent malt beverage will be on sale at various LCBO locations coast-to-coast on March 1, when we'll finally be able to see what all the hype is about.

Though the Claw comes in variations like black cherry, raspberry, ruby grapefruit, lime, mango and unflavoured in the U.S. â€” as well the all-new watermelon, tangerine and lemon — the flavours that will be available in Canada are unconfirmed and subject to availability.

by Becky Robertson via blogTO

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