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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Rob Ford opens up about rehab

Rob Ford rehabWe still don't know where exactly Rob Ford is, but he recently shared some of his thoughts about rehab in the wake of speculation that he never made it into treatment. Speaking to Toronto Sun reporter, Joe Warmington, Ford summarized his rehab experience as follows: "Rehab is amazing. It reminds me of football camp. Kind of like the Washington Redskins camp I went to as a kid... I am working out every day and I am learning about myself, my past and things like that."

As for a possible return date, Ford promised to be back in time for the election. "I will be on the ballot for mayor in October, guaranteed, and I will do well." The big question, of course, is when exactly he will return to the campaign trail. If a leaner and cleaner Ford returns mid-summer, there's still plenty of time for him to spread his anti-gravy train message. Does anyone else think Ford is anything but out of this race?

by Derek Flack via blogTO

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