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Friday, November 20, 2015

Bombardier refuses to explain TTC streetcar delays

ttc bombardierWe should have had nearly 67 brand new TTC streetcars zipping around Toronto by now. But thanks to multiple delays, Bombardier has delivered only 16 so far.

According to the Financial Post, the TTC asked the Montreal-based company to publicly discuss the ongoing delays at its November board meeting, which is happening on Monday, However, as the Post reports, there won't be a single Bombardier executive in attendance.

Bombardier says it'll discuss the delays privately, but it doesn't have an obligation to speak publicly. The TTC paid $1.2 billion for 204 new streetcars and Bombardier has consistency failed to meet its delivery schedule. And, its very first shipment contained faulty vehicles.

On October 28, the TTC voted to pursue legal action against Bombardier.

Photo by Steve Chui in the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Amy Grief via blogTO

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