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Friday, November 20, 2015

Kensington doesn't like media coverage of area crime

kensington marketThe Kensington Market BIA isn't pleased with how media cover crime stories that happen in its neighbourhood. That's why it put out a press release yesterday asking news publications to refrain from using the name Kensington Market in such reports.

As Metro New notes, according to the BIA, having the name Kensington Market in crime coverage can negatively effect how other people perceive the diverse neighbourhood.

According to Metro, a BIA press release iterated that it's "a smear on the good name of everyone who lives and works here." Instead, the BIA would prefer media outlets to refer to the intersections where specific crimes occurred, notes Metro.

Is it reasonable for the Kensington Market BIA to dictate to the media how crime is reported in the neighbourhood? Let us know in the comments.

Photo by Pina in the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Amy Grief via blogTO

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