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Sunday, November 22, 2015

The top 5 places to climb stairs in Toronto

baldwin stepsClimbing stairs is one of the most time effective workouts, raising your heart rate and working out the major muscles in your legs at the same time. Toronto has some of the best stairs with a view too.

Here are my picks for the top places to climb stairs in Toronto.

Baldwin Steps
Originally wooden, these stairs were replaced with concrete in 1913 and lead to a rewarding view of the city and Casa Loma. These stairs are great for every skill level but are especially good if you're just starting as there's space to step aside and catch your breath along the way. Bonus: there's a water fountain once you reach the top!

Riverdale Park
The trek through Riverdale Park to get to these stairs is what makes them most worthwhile. The skyline view from an East perspective and a close proximity to some post workout coffee shops is a win. Eighty-three steps long this staircase is perfect for the more intermediate level runner.

David Balfour Park trail (Heath street dead end)
If you're looking for quiet, these are the stairs to climb. Higher in intensity, these are definitely the stairs to graduate to. Surrounded by trees, the stairs lead to a creek at the bottom and a walking path that is a beautiful cool off destination.

The Subway
Adding in an extra 80 stairs to your commute will encourage knee drive. These stairs are weather friendly and are a great opportunity to knock off some time from your workout. Thank you TTC.

Your condo/apartment building
Often forgotten, these stairs are almost always deserted. Located conveniently close to your bed, it's one of the easiest and best workouts for those cold days where you just can't fathom leaving home.

What did I miss? Add more great stairs to climb in the comments.

Writing by Deanna Grant. Photo of Baldwin Steps by Gary Baker in the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Guest Contributor via blogTO

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