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Friday, November 20, 2015

Toronto rallies to combat Islamophobia

islamophobia torontoThis week, we became privy to Toronto's dark underbelly as multiple hate crimes occurred in public spaces across the city.

On Monday, a Muslim women was beaten as she picked up her son up from his Flemingdon Park-area school. At Sherbourne subway station on Wednesday, two Muslim women were verbally harassed and as CBC reports, Metrolinx found anti-Muslim graffiti on a train earlier this week. A University of Toronto student said he was spat on last weekend.

In response, numerous events are cropping up in order to fight Islamophobia at home and abroad. Others, including a grassroots rally at Nathan Phillips Square, are showing support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's plan to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada before the end of the year.

This morning, around 100 people marched peacefully through the Flemingdon Park neighbourhood in response to the various appalling racist attacks.

Do you know of more Toronto events, rallies and initiatives organized to combat Islamophobia? Add them to the comments.

Photo by Kat Northern Light Man in the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Amy Grief via blogTO

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