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Friday, November 20, 2015

TTC wants out of deplorable Davisville headquarters

ttcWhile Torontonians often gripe about the state of the TTC, especially during rush hour, its employees aren't too happy with it either. Many of them are working out of what TTC Chair Josh Colle calls a "deplorable" building, reports the Toronto Star today.

The TTC's headquarters are currently located inside the nearly 60-year-old McBrien building at Yonge and Davisville. Around 400 of the TTC's 3,000 staffers work there; the rest are based in leased offices throughout the city. As the Star notes, this costs our transit system more than $8.4 million per year.

Along with the financial burden, the Davisville office is in pretty bad shape. According to the Star, the TTC's CEO Andy Byford calls it a "Stygian hellhole." The building has a mould problem and is in desperate need of repairs.

Colle tells the Star that ultimately, the TTC should move into a new building because it'll improve working conditions while saving money in the long run.

Photo by Twudermann in the blogTO Flickr pool.

by Amy Grief via blogTO

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