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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Ontario government wants to get rid of front licence plates

If you're one of the seemingly many people who hates the idea of the new "Open for Business" slogan potentially coming to Ontario licence plates, you can revel in the fact that you'll only have to see them half as much. 

This is because along with the redesign, the Ontario government is (maybe?) planning to remove the requirement for front licence plates on cars. 

No decision has been reached, but if the proposal goes forward, Ontario would join Alberta, Quebec, and most other provinces in having only back plates. 

Police chiefs are speaking out against the idea, stating that the removal of front plates will make fighting crime much tougher. 

Jeff McGuire, executive director of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, says getting rid of "half of the licence plates in the province" will "eliminate half the opportunities for us to be able to identify people involved in crime." 

Currently B.C. and Manitoba are the only other provinces that have front plates. 

by Staff via blogTO

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