Toronto events!!!

Toronto Fun Parties

Monday, May 5, 2014

Today in Toronto: Dutch Dreams Free Ice Cream, Cinco de Mayo, Stay What You Are, Animal Hall of Fame

Today in TorontoToday in Toronto there are tons of ways to celebrate Mexican heritage and culture for Cinco de Mayo, including a pop-up at Drake On Fifty. Tacos and tequila have already been enjoying the limelight, but this is their special day. Feeling more like ice cream? Today is also Dutch Liberation Day, and Dutch Dreams is giving away their fabulous ice cream for free at their block party. Over at Izakaya you can crawl back into the womb, listen to pop punk, and play board games. For more events, click on over to our events section.

Have an event you'd like to plug? Submit your own listing to the blogTO Toronto events calendar or contact us directly.

Photo: Jesse Milns

by Aubrey Jax via blogTO

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