Thursday, July 25, 2013

Morning Brew: TTC to investigate taking over GO lines, no rescue for Bixi, Pape station to close, food trucks get a break, Kensington Walmart "not over," and old time ads

toronto ontario placeThe TTC will investigate the possibility of using two existing GO Transit rail lines for its proposed Yonge Relief Line. A motion tabled at yesterday's board meeting by Chair Karen Stintz directs staff to report on electrifying the Lake Shore East and Georgetown lines for subway trains. Is this a practical way of saving on relief line costs?

One of the other big decisions out of yesterday's TTC meeting has consequences for the city's ailing Bixi program. The Board elected not to take on the bike share scheme, saying current internal issues take precedence, but did promise to investigate the idea if there are no other options to keep the business (and city-backed loan) secure.

Pape station will be closed August 19 to 30 to allow a major renovation and expansion project to wrap up early. Trains will bypass the station in both directions during the shut down. A labour dispute forced the closure to be pushed back by several weeks. Also in stations, the planned Black Creek Pioneer Village station (formerly Steeles West) is now simply Pioneer Village.

Food trucks are coming to several city parks later this summer. A new pilot project will allow participating vendors to operate out of Woodbine Park, Sherbourne Common, Roundhouse Park, Canoe Landing and Allan Gardens. Current bylaws prohibit the sale of food on city property but councillors Josh Colle and Mary-Margaret McMahon have been working on an elegant solution. Neat, right?

The CEO of RioCan says a controversial plan to build a Walmart on Bathurst Street "is not over." A moratorium on new retail and services introduced late last week means no new businesses over a certain size can open between Queen and Dupont. Ed Sonshine says RioCan could appeal the ban to the Ontario Municipal Board.

City councillor and MPP candidate Peter Milczyn is calling out rival Doug Holyday for using a city garbage truck during a photo opportunity. Holyday, currently Toronto's deputy mayor, posed with Conservative leader Tim Hudak in front of a Green For Life truck yesterday to illustrate ways he's saved taxpayers money in the past. Milczyn said he "found it hard to believe" anyone could borrow a truck for a few hours.

Finally, here's a selection of original real estate ads for several of Toronto's oldest planned neighbourhoods. Many of the city's residential areas, particularly in the west end, started as private subdivisions that were gradually annexed by the city. Buzz Buzz Home gathered a selection of original plans and adverts. Detached homes in Yorkville? It was once so.


Chris Bateman is a staff writer at blogTO. Follow him on Twitter at @chrisbateman.

Image: ZensLens/blogTO Flickr pool.

by Chris Bateman via blogTO

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