Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Toronto shop wants people to know it’s not a subway station

One of Toronto’s more upper crust neighbourhoods just got a serious dose of eccentricity in the form of this sign adorning the Yorkville outpost of Deciem: The Abnormal Beauty Company.

Bay station has several exits and entrances on Cumberland, Bellair, and Bay, and this beauty store location is right next to the entrance on adorable little Critchley Lane right near its intersection with Bay.

Though this sign is likely all for attention, it might actually be helpful to rushed commuters who can barely spare a second to look up.

For those unfamiliar, Deceim is a Toronto beauty boutique that makes its own products near Richmond and Parliament and reps all kinds of independent hair, skin, and cosmetics brands.

Their retail locations have been rapidly popping up all over Toronto in neighbourhoods like West Queen West, Kensington and in Cabbagetown.

by Amy Carlberg via blogTO

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