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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Two people with chainsaws arrested after large fight at Cherry Beach in Toronto

Two people were injured this morning and two others were arrested after a fight broke out between what police are describing as a "large group of people" near Toronto's Cherry Beach.

Chainsaws were involved.

"Encountered two man bleeding, carrying running chainsaws on my morning ride on the trail leading to Cherry Beach from Tommy Thompson," said witness Valeria Laurin on Twitter of the bizarre incident, which took place around 9:45 a.m. Sunday morning.

"Let me repeat: RUNNING CHAINSAWS. Face to face with them in the middle of the trail... SCARY AF out of a fucking movie... WTF Toronto."

Another Twitter user wrote similarly that "two guys with chainsaws covered in blood" were "charging people" at Cherry Beach, though Laurin says she didn't see the men charging at anyone, and that she doesn't believe they were there to attack people.

Different accounts of what happened this morning have also emerged on Facebook and Reddit.

Some people say the chainsaw-wielding men moved to let them pass on the bike path, while others say they saw the men "lunging at cyclists."

One thing that all of the witnesses appear to agree upon, however, is that both the men and their chainsaws were running at the time — a terrifying sight to behold in the woods under any circumstances.

Images sent to blogTO by a witness who called 911 show the two men without shirts on, walking along the trail. In one shot, they appear to be revving the machines.

"I was running along the trail and saw two guys pick up chainsaws," said the witness. "They were both bleeding, seems like they had attacked one another and were in rough shape themselves."

"Went for my morning beach coffee at Cherry Beach today. Big mistake! I get out of the car at the far end of the parking lot and these two runners and a cyclist are talking frantically." wrote another person on Facebook.

"They are telling people not to go on the trail. They just saw two men covered in blood, carrying running chainsaws. They came at the ladies, then ran off into the woods. It had just happened. 10 minutes later every police car in the city was there."

Police were indeed quick to arrive in great numbers and managed to stop the chaos. Toronto Police Const. Caroline de Kloet confirmed that two people were arrested and that two others suffered unknown injuries.

When asked about the chainsaws, de Kloet said the original 911 caller had mentioned them, but that officers do not believe a chainsaw was used as a weapon.

An investigation is ongoing and police remained at the scene near Unwin Avenue and Cherry Street as of late Sunday afternoon.

by Lauren O'Neil via blogTO

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