Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blue Jays players offer help after couple breaks up at game

Breaking up in public is undoubtedly one of the worst ways to call it quits with your boo. Even worse: having your split documented on social media by a member of the Blue Jays. 

On Friday, Jays reliever John Axford sent out a condolence Tweet addressed to a couple who "clearly broke up" while standing near the team's bullpen at their game in Philadelphia. 

Apparently the couple's fighting caused enough of a raucous that it attracted the attention of players during the fifth inning of the game. 

"Lovely entertainment for a few minutes, but we hope you're ok," Tweeted Axford. 

The player followed by extending an invitation to the pair for a couple's therapy sesh with the team, who evidently heard enough of the fight to offer a "third party point of view". 

The couple likely did not take up Axford's offer, as they were probably suffering from the post-break up blues and will likely never be able to watch a Blue Jays-Phillies game without feeling sad ever again.

Moral of the story: if you're going to break up loudly, don't do it at a sports event – especially next to the bullpen. 

by Tanya Mok via blogTO

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