Wednesday, April 29, 2020

You can now view a livestream of the cherry blossoms in High Park

Following news that the city would be closing High Park to visitors to prevent the usual hordes of people from crowding to witness the cherry blossoms, people in Toronto and beyond can now watch the flowers bloom on a livestream instead. 

The city just launched its 24-hour BloomCam, which is a continuous livestream of the High Park grove set up to allow people to watch the progress of the cherry tree until peak bloom ends. 

This is only one of several virtual events planned by the city to allow residents to admire the flowers without ever leaving their homes.

"To encourage everyone to stay home and stay safe, the City is planning multiple virtual cherry blossom experiences on a variety of social media platforms until peak bloom ends," reads a dedicated cherry blossoms webpage on the City of Toronto website.

The page indicates that various virtual walks through the trees will be available during peak bloom, and two 30-minute livestream events are currently in the works. 

During these events, Indigenous Knowledge Keeper André Morrisseau will recognize the traditional territories of the Indigenous Peoples through a live Land Acknowledgement. 

Torontonians will then be able to enjoy a virtual walk through the blossoming trees, and experts from the High Park Nature Centre will guide viewers through nature and history walks focusing on Toronto’s cherry blossom trees. 

"A beloved spring tradition, every year thousands of people visit High Park to catch a glimpse of the delicate pink flowers on Toronto’s Sakura (cherry blossom) trees,"the city says.

"This year, as a part of the City’s COVID-19 response, High Park will be closed for public safety reasons during peak bloom. To ensure no one misses the annual bloom, the City is bringing spring indoors."

High Park is currently already closed to vehicles, and full park closure dates are weather-dependent and will be announced when the bloom period is determined. 

by Mira Miller via blogTO

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