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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

People in Toronto are finally making the effort to get to know their neighbours

The COVID-19 pandemic might mean you have to stay physically distant from anyone outside your home for the forseeable future, but it doesn't mean you can't find other ways to be a good neighbour in these trying times. 

GTA residents are proving this to be true, as many are finding new and creative ways to get to know and help their neighbours while practicing social distancing. 

One GTA man did this by creating a community poster so residents in his building could share how they're spending their time in self-isolation. 

Bryce Mortera told Strong Towns the intention behind the poster was to try and meet individuals who live in the apartment building and get to know little more about them, from a distance of course.

The poster features several prompts, including Netflix recommendations and favourite pandemic take-out spots, as well as a pad of paper for residents to leave their responses. 

And it seems residents of the GTA aren't just trying to get to know their neighbours amid the pandemic, many are also doing everything they can to help them. 

One Toronto resident distributed flyers in her community asking if anyone needs someone to do their groceries, pick up their medication, cook a meal for them or if they simply just need someone to talk to.

And another community member had balloons delivered to several houses on their block in an attempt to lift people's spirits.

Residents all over the city are also shopping for their at-risk neighbours and leaving groceries on their doorsteps.

Others have even filled their Little Free Libraries with much-needed pantry items instead. 

So while Toronto residents have no choice but to be more physically distant than ever, it's clear many are still determined to step up for their neighbours in their time of need. 

by Mira Miller via blogTO

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