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Friday, April 10, 2020

Self-isolation care kits are the latest offerings from Toronto salons and spas

Toronto salons and spas are stepping up to offer us means to care for ourselves and mitigate our anxieties as we make our way through another week of self-isolation, in hopes that they may help us and themselves survive the pandemic.

Spa chain Pure + Simple specializes in facials and has its own skincare line, but to comply with Ontario's mandate that all non-essential businesses be closed for the time being, its spas have been shuttered.

But that doesn't mean they're not still trying to help their customers.

Pure + Simple recently started offering a Self (Isolation) Care Kit to provide customers the opportunity to experience the skincare they would have received in spa while in self-isolation at home.

Marketing Coordinator for Pure + Simple Sheila O'Neill said that the facials are one of the main things offered by the company. “And that’s something we haven’t been able to do during this social isolation,” she said.

The kit offers users the ability to take time and care for themselves.

Toronto’s Elmwood Spa is also closed at this time, but through its Instagram page it has been running a series of live sessions where experts provide viewers with cooking tips, meditation guides, and advice on dealing with the psychological toll these unprecedented social distancing measures may be taking on some of us.

So far, they're proven to be popular.

This enthusiasm is something O’Neill says she's noticed for Pure + Simple’s kits and for the social media posts they too have been making on self-care.

“We did a few social media posts about self-care,” she says. “And not necessarily about your skincare and facials, but just things that you can do to make yourself feel better, tips for working at home, and they’ve been some of the most engaged-with posts that we’ve had,” she said.

“I think it's one of the more important things right now — to focus on that, in addition to obviously all the things that we can do physically to self isolate and keep healthy,” she said. “And also making sure that we maintain that sense of community and we’re just there for each other.”

Toronto salon and spa Civello is also offering an at-home alternative to its services.

Through its at-home colour kits, the salon hopes that customers can maintain their hair colour while in isolation, until such a time when they can come physically into the salon.

These kits also have been doing well — Civello's website states they've seen a high volume of orders.

Meanwhile, Dat Salon is taking haircare a step further. While its brick and mortar store is closed, it's offering customers the option to purchase alcoholic beverages through its online store, alongside other hair care items, and orders over $150 will receive a free hair mask.

For many of these non-essential businesses, these offerings are a means by which to survive. Pure + Simple’s founder Jean Eng was frank about the company’s financial needs for the Self (Isolation) Care Kits.

“Will this replace our core business? No, but it helps,” Eng said. “We have an online store but sales still don’t cover our rents. Some of our locations are $25k per month, like in our Yorkville Spa location. We just need to get through this tough time,” Eng said.

O’Neill said that Pure + Simple’s job, as a spa, is to bring joy to customers, and while this can’t be done physically at the moment, it is still important to provide people with this care and attention.

“Clear skin is not the most important thing at the moment,” she said. “But for us, it’s just whatever we can do to lift the spirits, and maintain that sense of community and let people know that we’re still here.”

And they’re doing this through tutorials and advice on their Instagram, and through the kits — helping us to survive, so that they can survive.

“We’re a local Toronto business,” O’Neill said. “I know everyone’s struggling right now, [but it’s important] just to be honest with each other, and ask for help when you need it.”

by Alisha Mughal via blogTO

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