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Toronto Fun Parties

Friday, April 3, 2020

Toronto police are being sent out to enforce public distancing laws in Toronto this weekend

Temperatures are rising, but don't even think about going outside to socialize in the park this weekend. 

According to the Toronto Police, officers will be patrolling the city to enforce the new municipal bylaw that says residents must maintain a distance of two metres from one another in parks and public squares, or face a hefty fine. 

If you're not trying to catch a $750 ticket, or fines of up to $5,000 if convicted, it's suggested you follow the rules of social distancing.  

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said Friday that they would be sending out more uniformed officers out on to the street — on foot, on bikes, or mounted on horses — to catch anyone breaking the rules. 

The decision to crack down this weekend follows the mess of last weekend, where the city's parks and beaches saw an "appalling" flood of people playing sports, socializing, and running play dates for their kids despite repeated warnings from Dr. Eileen de Villa to avoid crowds. 

In response, the City has closed all park amenities, and begun using concrete blocks to barrier access to parking lots and closed green spaces. It has also banned on gatherings of five people or more. 

Families and people who live together are excluded from the rules, however, no one is exempt from the Province's new emergency laws, which state that anyone being charged with breaking the rules must properly identify themselves to police, otherwise face a fine or jail time.

by Tanya Mok via blogTO

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