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Toronto Fun Parties

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Toronto Police have issued more than 2,500 warnings for social distancing

Toronto Police have given out over 2,500 warnings for social distancing violations, and are urging everyone to just stay home.

They've also issued three tickets for Provincial Offences and four tickets under the city by-law, as well as 88 parking tags and four tows.

"We aren't splitting the atom here," Inspector Chris Boddy wrote on Twitter. "Please avoid the need for Toronto cops and by-law officers to have these community engagements in the first place."

Apparently police have been aiming to have high visibility and citizen interactions at places like off-leash dog parks, skate parks, playgrounds and similar amenities, and with those congregating in groups of more than five not from the same household or parking in closed lots.

So far, the Toronto Police have taken an educational and awareness approach to the problem but this is about to change. Expect them to be much stricter in enforcing social distancing rules going forward with fines instead of just warnings.

If you're curious about officers social distancing while out on the job or have other questions about police operations during the pandemic, check out the official Toronto Police COVID-19 update page.

by Amy Carlberg via blogTO

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