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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Toronto public transit woes make everyone late for work again

For the third day in a row, extreme winter weather conditions have royally screwed up the morning commute in Toronto and surrounding areas.

And we're not just talking about the TTC here (though, yes, multiple routes are once again experiencing delays due to poor road conditions).

Subways, buses and streetcars have been jam-packed all morning, as per usual, as transit providers struggle to keep up with wildly fluctuating weather patterns and slick or snowy roads and sidewalks.

Factor in the sheer volume of people who need to get from point A to point B when it's too gross outside to walk...

... and schedules can go haywire fast.

Ditto for the actual conditions of subway stations and platforms.

Count your lucky stars if you live and work downtown, however. Things are even worse for commuters from the 'burbs right now.

York Region's VIVA buses were experiencing delays of almost an hour on account of poor weather conditions at one point Wednesday morning.

Many GO Transit bus passengers are facing similar issues.

It's getting to point where some commuters are giving up entirely.

Train platforms and station parking lots are a mess across the board...

And if you were scheduled to fly out of Pearson this morning, I don't need to tell you that your journey could see a few hiccups.

However you got around this morning, don't count on things clearing up in time for the evening commute. They certainly didn't on Monday or Tuesday.

So, in the well-worn words of our friends at the TTC, "give yourself extra time" to get wherever you're going today.

by Lauren O'Neil via blogTO

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